Sunday, December 22, 2013

God has set quite an adventure before me!

      Was it just yesterday?  No hold on, that was four months ago that I got home to Minnesota from Australia and India.  Anyway, point being said-time just flys by way to fast and I am thankful to God for every moment I have gotten to be home. It has been such a learning curve or experience for my family and I!
     During the Dicsipleship Training School (DTS) there was a lecture week called Lordship.  During this week I spent time learning what it means to make Jesus Lord of my life in everything I do. To me this means trying everyday to live like Jesus did in everything I do and in a way that is respectful and honorable to him.  It was also then when I felt God so clearly calling me to come back to Australia and do a Basic Leadership School (BLS).  When this happened God was simply saying that he was going to be using me to help fullfill The Great Commission for the next year and about seven months.
The Great Commission is from the book of Matthew and in verse 19 Jesus says 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Hold Spirit.'  I will be "GOING" to two seperate nations apart from Australia with the intention of making followers of Christ Jesus!  In verse 20 the word continues to say 'teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.  This is such an exciting thing to teach people who have never had the chance to hear this before.  
      So here I am, this week we have officially started our Basic Leader School!  The team of us consists of people from all over the world, that being places like Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada, Finland, and Australia.  We are spending time in lectures learning the fundimentals of how to properly lead young people in the way they were called to go.  It is such an exciting time in my life right now and I thank you to all who are in partnership with me in finances and through your prayer support!  Could I ask that in your day, when you take time to pray; that you would also lift up my fellow participants as well in prayer support. 
     God bless each and every one of you who read my blog and follow what is going on in my life.  Please keep reading my updates as I hope to keep up with everything God is doing in my life and the lives around me! Get ready for excitement because it'll be here, when your doing work for The Lord, there is bound to be happiness and joy which brings excitement.

Thank you, Michael Norris

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